Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Third times a charm....

At least that's what they say. Let's see if the old adage holds true with my blogging. So where do I even begin?? How about with the past weekend....

We had a relaxing weekend on the river with some of my favorite people. Luis was working and was not able to make it up, but the girls and I had a great time with Granny, Gig, Jess, Paige, Nick and Olivia.
Saturday morning Granny, Bri, Paige, Nadia and I went to pick peaches, blackberries and strawberries at http://www.marburgerorchard.com/ If anyone happens to be in the Fredericksburg area in the next few weeks you should definitely stop by. Even if you are not in the mood to pick your own they have tons of fresh produce grown right there for you to purchase.
We fished, swam, roasted marshmallows by the fire pit, canoed and had a fabulous dinners compliments of uncle Jess.

Bella was not happy about not being able to join the big girls in the waterfall


I think she wore herself out with all the fun she was having because she woke up Sunday morning with a fever and a tummy ache.

After a dose of Tylenol and a loooong nap on Gig's shoulder she was back to normal

Everyone had an awesome time. It was extra special because my Granny accompanied us. The girls and I really enjoyed being able to spend the time with her.


Caitlin said...

this breaks my freaking heart. I wish we could be there...:(

Stephanie said...

These pictures are just beautiful!!
I love the first one!!!!
So glad you hada great weekend!! Sounds like a great time!

Kelli said...
