Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm hooked

My lovely cousin Caitlin is a little obsessed (in a good way, not the creepy,weird stalker-ish kind of way) over a blog called Confession of a young married couple. It's a blog about an adorable young couple's struggles, triumphs and lessons learned during their marriage. I first read an article the blog author, Kate wrote on keeping the flame burning in a marriage and couldn't have agreed with her more. Three hours and two cups of coffee later, I was hooked and pretty much felt I had known her for years. In fact, the whole family has a blog and they are kind of a big deal in the blogging world.

So of course I tell my wonderful husband, Luis about my newest addiction and suggest he start following the husband, Chris over in his Man Cave. He completely shut me down and said he could care less about what two people he doesn't even know have to say. Well, Uh....that is all I needed to hear after being apart for 3 weeks so I proceeded to rip into him about how insensitive he was and needs to put as much effort into our marriage as Chris (whom i don't even know)does his and I wanted him to be as excited to see me everyday as he is to see a buck during hunting season, blah, blah, blah.

Once I calmed down and realized how incredibly ridiculous I sounded considering the fact he doesn't even know what a blog is and refuses to get with the times and join any social networking whatsoever I sent him a sweet text saying I loved him and how amazing he is to us and that I overreacted yada, yada.

His reply "Fine Jodi I will check out the blog"

**Lesson learned: An apology is a good way to have the last word.


Stephanie said...

Thats hilarious!!
Isnt it crazy how you can get so into a persons blog you have never met?!?! My friends that dont blog, think I am crazy!
Glad to hear there are others out there that connect to strangers too! ;)
Glad you are back to bloggin btw!!!

Caitlin said...

hahaha that is the funniest thing I've heard all day. I compare Trevor to Chris all the time and he has a very similar reaction :)

ya crack me up jodi. I am sooo glad I have someone else to discuss this blog with. Everyone else things I'm crazy :)